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The Unexpected Gift

I've been celebrating some birthdays recently.

Makers House celebrated their 3rd birthday at the end of August and I celebrated mine yesterday (slightly more than my 3rd though! ;).

I was delighted to come home to these beautiful flowers which are the most beautiful colour, with the texture of velvet. Stunning.

Gifts are a real joy to receive aren't they? Particularly unexpected ones.

Over the last month, I have had to make some decisions about whether to stay on as Graduate in Residence in The Designerie or take up the role on-campus at the University of Ulster, Belfast. It caused me to reflect on the opportunity at The Designerie which, to be honest, has turned out to be an unexpected gift. It has been a privilege to be able to display my work in such a bright, spacious, well-run and beautiful space. I have met some lovely people - staff, artisans and customers, and have been absolutely delighted to receive positive feedback about my work in the form of sales!

The only drawback to working in Bushmills, for me, has been the distance from home. I don't mind the journey itself at all - I am a born and bred Causeway Coast woman, so it is like 'going home' every time. The difficulty comes from the expenses involved in travelling, which can be crippling for a small business owner. However, out of the blue, I received another unexpected gift from someone who, believing I have the potential to make this work, generously invested in my business by covering my fuel costs for the year.

Decision made.

Over the next year I look forward to continue working with Enterprise Causeway and the Designerie team to hone my skills and knowledge in all things business whilst continuing to develop my artwork.

I hope you will get the opportunity to come see me at The Designerie at some point.

Maybe, while you are there you will unexpectedly find a gift for yourself or for someone you know!

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