You will be aware from my recent social pages that I have been exhibiting my paintings alongside Edenbane Art Gallery, Kilrea and David Brownlow photography in Drumachose Presbyterian Church. (Thursday 26th - Saturday 28th October.)
Brendan McAllister, owner of Edenbane Gallery is a gentleman, and has generously given of his time to set up and take part in this exhibition, hosted by the church fundraising committee.
So many have come along to view the wide variety of artists work available and with traditional, modern and contemporary there has been something for everyone to appreciate.
The relaxed, unhurried atmosphere of the exhibition space, and the provision of seating and light refreshment, has provided the opportunity for all to enjoy social conversation whilst taking time to ponder the works on offer.
Thanks to all who have come along and supported the event, and to Drumachose committee, for all the organisation behind the scenes.
We trust the artwork which has now found new homes will continue to bring joy for many years to come.